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Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University PGUPS





Executive secretary of the Admissions board

Executive secretary

Mikhail D. Aleksandrov
Mikhail D. Aleksandrov
Science degree:
candidate of Technical Sciences
Science title:
associate Professor
Associate Professor - Railway Car Facilities

Deputy executive secretary

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 Contact information Тел.: +7 (812) 457-82-42, 8-800-200-97-90 (free phone calls within Russia)
Address: Saint Petersburg, 9 Moskovsky pr.

For more than 200 years Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS) has been training engineers for the transport industry and other areas. This is the oldest transport university in Russia, with great history and traditions. The University is the largest educational and scientific center, and has eight faculties.

PGUPS holds a leading position among all Russian railway universities. The University is actively developing joint educational programs with the universities of other countries, as well as the major transport companies in Russia.

Studying at PGUPS will provide an opportunity to obtain classical engineering education, which will bring many opportunities in the future, as only qualified engineers are able to complete the most difficult tasks of modern industry.

PGUPS education is a guarantee of personal success and an opportunity to participate in great projects of Russia!

PGUPS education is a guarantee of personal success and an opportunity to participate in great projects of Russia!


If you send your documents by mail:

The Admissions Board has the right to not accept the documents if the set of documents is not complete or they are filled incorrectly.

The documents are to be sent via public postal operator with a notification and an attachment description to the following address:

190031, Saint-Petersburg, Moskovsky pr., 9, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Admissions Board