Petrozavodsk branch of PGUPS
Mikhail G. Dmitriev
- Science degree
- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
- Science title
- Заслуженный учитель Российской Федерации
- Position:
- Director
8 (814-2) 71-42-23Республика Карелия, Петрозаводск, ул. Анохина, д.16, ауд.202б
- СМК РД 09.45-2022 Положение о Петрозаводском филиале федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Петербургский государственный университет путей сообщения Императора Александра I» (sig)
- cGZAcGd1cHMucnU=
- (814-2) 71-42-23
- 185680, Northwestern Federal District, Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, st. Anokhina, 16
The Petrozavodsk branch of the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University provides multilevel professional training of specialists for railway and industrial enterprises.
The mission of the branch is to provide high-quality continuous professional education using innovative educational technologies while integrating educational, scientific, and social activities.
The strategy followed by the branch today is multifaceted.
- strengthening the multidisciplinary implementation of educational programs in order to meet the needs of the railway transport enterprises, the region;
- developing social partnership;
- developing modern teaching technologies;
- optimizing the structure of educational programs of secondary vocational education.