St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
(812) 312-70-58Санкт-Петербург, переулок Кузнечный, дом. 20, лит. А
- СМК РД 09.40-2021 Положение о Санкт-Петербургском медицинском колледже – структурном подразделении федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Петербургский государственный университет путей сообщения Императора Александра I» (sig)
- bWVkaWNAcGd1cHMucnU=
- (812) 312-70-58 директор
- (812) 575-89-79 учебная часть
- (812) 764-32-58 приёмная комиссия
- 191040, Northwestern Federal District, St. Petersburg, per. Kuznechny, 20/A
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Заместитель директора по воспитательной работе - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
(812) 764-32-58
- Position:
- Заместитель директора по административно хозяйственной работе - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
(812) 764-32-58
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Заведующая очно-заочным отделением - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Science degree
- кандидат медицинских наук
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Заместитель директора по учебно-производственной работе - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Заместитель директора по учебной работе - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
(812) 575-89-79
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Science degree
- к.т.н.
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель
- Position:
- Преподаватель
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Заведующая библиотекой - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
(812) 764-32-58
- Science degree
- к.биол.н.
- Position:
- Преподаватель
- Position:
- Преподаватель
- Position:
- Экономист - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
(812) 312-70-58
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
- Position:
- Преподаватель - St. Petersburg Medical College – structural subdivision of PGUPS
St. Petersburg Medical College is an educational institution that has been successfully operating since 1944. The College skillfully combines the best academic traditions, consolidated by more than half a century of history, with the latest achievements in teaching methods.
The College, as a structural subdivision of the University, was created by Decree of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated 09.02.2004.
The professions of a nurse and a paramedic, taught at our College, are socially significant and remain popular not only in our country, but also abroad. In this regard, the policy of the College is aimed at educating a highly professional medical worker.
The library reading room, computer classes and auditoriums are well equipped and provided with Internet access. Students study their professional skills in small cozy classrooms equipped with bright visual materials and modern equipment, and in medical institutions of St. Petersburg.
An important role in the education of future professionals is played by the teaching staff, consisting of 29 teachers. 55% of them have the highest qualification category. The Director of the College was awarded the title of «Honorary Worker of Secondary Professional Education».
The Medical College is a great start for further education and career growth. Every year our graduates successfully pass exams at various medical universities in St. Petersburg, many choose related majors: social work, speech therapy, adaptive physical education, psychology.
The Medical College’s location is excellent: classrooms and laboratories are located in a mansion of the late 19th century in the very center of the city, next to Moskovsky railway station. Here you will find a friendly academic atmosphere, highly professional teachers, as well as interesting professions that will always be in demand.