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Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University PGUPS





Three new exhibitions in Scientific and Technical Library

Culture Student life

The first exhibition is dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the Surami railway tunnel (September 16, 1890), located on the Zestafoni-Khashuri section of the Georgian railway. You can see the exhibition in the hallway in front of the Scientific and Technical Library, to the right of the auditorium 6-209.

The second exhibition was opened to honor Belgian engineer and entrepreneur Georges Nagelmackers (1845 — 1905), who contributed to the construction of the world’s most famous train — the Orient Express. Exhibition stands are located on the 3rd floor of the Scientific and Technical Library, next to auditorium 6-314.

The third exhibition is dedicated to the famous Russian engineer, shipbuilder and aircraft designer Alexander Petrovich Van der Vliet (1870 — 1941), who in 1896 — 1902 worked as a tutor in mathematics and mechanics at the Institute of Transport Engineers (now PGUPS). Exhibition stands are on the 3rd floor of the Scientific and Technical Library, next to auditorium 6-312.

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