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Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University PGUPS





New training complex

In room 1-305 of our University, the specialists of Russian Railways completed the installation of training complex equipment for students majoring in traction rolling stock. This class has significantly improved technical facilities of the Department «Locomotive Facilities». Supply and installation of the equipment were carried out as part of the implementation of the program of interaction between Russian Railways and university complexes of railway transport until 2025.

There are eight workplaces in the class, which are a combination of a computer and physical model of a modern locomotive control panel and its equipment. Interactive panels make it possible to implement the equipment of several series of locomotives by simply changing the software. This class will allow students majoring in railway rolling stock to gain practical skills in construction and control of a modern locomotive, to study the operation of the braking and traction equipment of modern locomotives, and to learn how to handle non-standard situations. The class can be used in training for working specialties, as well as in organizing advanced training courses.