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Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University PGUPS





XI International Symposium «Eltrans – 2023. Electrification and Electric Traction: The Digital Transformation of Rail Transport»

Emperor Alexander I Saint Petersburg State Transport University invites to the XI International Symposium «Eltrans — 2023. Electrification and electric traction: digital transformation of rail transport», which will be held from May 31 to June 02, 2023.

The main objective of the Symposium is to promote the dissemination of progressive practices and to present the scientific information about the further development of the electric rolling stock, power supply infrastructure, information technology, automation and communications of railroads.

Implementation of these tasks is carried in accordance with the national program of strategic academic leadership «Priority — 2030», PGUPS development program for 2021 — 2030 years and the work plan of the Russian Academy of Science Council on innovative problems of transport and logistics for 2023.

To participate in the XI International Symposium «Eltrans — 2023» you should fill in an application form and send it to the Symposium organizers not later than May 24, 2023, by e-mail:

Based on the information provided by the faculties of Automation and Intelligent Technologies and Transport Systems and Power Engineering